Emergency Notification System

What Is an Emergency Notification System?

An emergency notification system (ENS) is software that offers a simple and centralized interface for sending notifications to an audience of any size, on any device, over any communication channel, anywhere in the world.

In an emergency, the most critical thing an organization can do is swiftly notify those at risk. As a result, ENSs have become cornerstones for enterprises of all sizes, safeguarding people and maintaining business continuity during various critical events. 

As part of a comprehensive risk management strategy, an ENS enhances communication, efficiency, and attention before, during, and after a crisis. The system can be used in businesses or as a public service messaging tool to ensure smooth operations in an emergency. An ENS can send auto-alerts and share data with crisis management teams to minimize service interruptions and speed up reaction times.

Download our guide for selecting a comprehensive mass notifications system.

Purpose of an Emergency Notification System

The purpose of an ENS is to rapidly and reliably contact and assist a specified audience via accessible means of communication. There is an ongoing effort to diversify communication channels so that workers aren't reliant on only those that are sometimes unavailable during times of crisis, such as email and phone calls. 

Every ENS solution provider certifies that the appropriate people get the correct information at the right moment, and the intended recipients are kept in the loop. In a crisis, swift communication between parties is fundamental for keeping everyone safe, informed, and ready.

Emergency Notification Systems for Businesses

Today's corporate environment is fast-paced. Customers now anticipate assistance 24/7 and employees work varying hours and days of the week. As a result, it is necessary to communicate about IT system disruptions, significant events, and reminders about essential business information. An ENS addresses these requirements for organizations of all sizes. ENSs send messages via multiple channels, ensuring everyone gets the message. Most systems can also segment recipients to ensure that specific notifications and messages are sent to particular groups but not others. 

Every organization has tailor-made criteria for operating an ENS, as the system's operational environment is customizable. As a result, companies can adjust their systems to fit company size, incident response maturity level, and risk appetite aligned with business goals.

How to Choose an Emergency Notification System

No organization can afford the failure of an ENS; if a system fails in an emergency, the consequences may be catastrophic. Reliability, then, is crucial. Other aspects of an ENS to look for are comprehensiveness, flexibility in message delivery, ease of use, and customer support.

System Capacity and Speed

Highly intelligent systems with successful emergency notification delivery rates are essential when choosing an ENS for your company. To verify such deliverability rates, seek written assurance from the service provider that they can manage an unlimited number of contacts, messages, and a rapid flow of risk updates at high speeds.  

Management of Contact Data

In emergency scenarios, importing and managing a range of contact data is essential. An ENS should have Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) online mapping.

Broadcast Messaging Option

An ENS should allow for more than one way to send and receive messages in addition to phone calls and emails. It must also be able to rapidly disseminate messages and updates via social media and other platforms. 


After a successful message transmission, the message may not always reach its intended recipient, resulting in safety violations. Organizations can use metrics from notifications to measure the success of an ENS: performance metrics are often used to fix errors. Users should be able to re-send notifications to people who didn't get the first ones. 


Consider how easy it is to maintain an ENS: longevity plays into how often an organization labors to fix issues with the system that might arise in the future. Check warranties and sustainability clauses.

Be Ready for Anything

In a crisis, every second counts. When coordinating responses to emergencies and business disruptions, every delayed notification, update or decision can impede response efforts. CEM solutions provide the ability to prepare, respond and recover when the unexpected happens.