Honeypots vs. Honeynets: What’s the Difference?

Honeypots and honeynets are proactive cybersecurity measures to detect, analyze, and help organizations understand cyberattack methods. While they share the same purpose, each has distinct characteristics contributing to cyber resilience.

What Are Honeypots?

Honeypots are computer systems designed as decoys to trick threat actors into believing they’re infiltrating a legitimate target. These strategically crafted traps play an important role in cybersecurity research, enabling experts to gain valuable insights into cyberattacks and the tactics employed by threat actors. By enticing and luring threat actors, honeypots allow organizations to proactively identify, evaluate, and deflect attempts to breach their actual systems.

What Are Honeynets?

Honeynets are decoy networks comprised of interconnected honeypots and seemingly authentic systems and data. Cybersecurity teams use honeynets to study how threat actors operate on a larger scale. Organizations can strengthen their defenses and proactively safeguard their assets by analyzing exploits that threat actors leverage against entire networks.

How Honeypots Work

Honeypots deliberately incorporate security vulnerabilities like weak passwords and software flaws. Mirroring authentic systems, honeypots mimic organizations’ billing systems, operating systems holding seemingly sensitive data, web applications, and other common targets.

Gathering substantial evidence of attacks, honeypots reveal tactical insights, such as indicators of compromise, intrusion techniques, lateral movement sequences, details of attacker tools, and more. This information’s comprehensive analysis enables organizations to enhance their security defenses proactively. 

There are three types of honeypots:

1. Email Honeypot

Email honeypots are decoy email addresses created to attract spam and phishing attempts. Emails received at these fake email addresses can be analyzed to understand spam trends and behaviors and identify potential threats.

2. Malware Honeypot

These are systems designed to capture various types of malware, such as worms, trojans, viruses, and more. Malware honeypots mimic vulnerable systems to entice threat actors into targeting them, providing cybersecurity experts with insights on attack executions and new malware variants.

3. Database Honeypot

Database honeypots are crafted databases made to appear as valuable targets to potential malicious actors. They contain seemingly authentic data and resources to lure attackers, which enables organizations to detect and study data breaches and infiltration attempts.

How Honeynets Work

Honeynets combine a collection of honeypots and other virtual components to create a controlled and realistic network that closely resembles an actual network. The key elements used in this imitation process include: 

1. Honeypots

Selected honeypots are strategically deployed throughout the network, each replicating a specific application or system, enticing threat actors.

2. Network Simulation

Within the honeynet, network devices are set up to mirror the infrastructure of a legitimate network, complete with a range of virtual systems.

3. Decoy Data

Honeynets are filled with fabricated data that appears authentic to lure threat actors deeper into a system as they attempt to breach and access sensitive information.

4. Tracking and Logging

Honeynets collect live data from multiple systems, capturing valuable insights into how threat actors interact with company assets they believe are real, such as vulnerable or unpatched operating systems. 

Benefits of Honeypots and Honeynets

Both honeypots and honeynets provide organizations with a range of valuable benefits, including:

  • Insights into threat actors’ tactics
  • Enhanced threat intelligence
  • Controlled environments for studying attacks
  • Identification of system vulnerabilities
  • Diversion of attacks from legitimate systems
  • Improved incident response and defense strategies

Honeypots and Honeynet vs. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

A key difference between these three security technologies is that honeypots and honeynets are decoy systems to lure threat actors for information-gathering purposes. In contrast, intrusion detection systems (IDSs) monitor network traffic in real time. IDSs are programs designed to analyze network activity, log events, detect attacks, and alert IT personnel when suspicious behavior is detected. While all three cybersecurity measures are effective approaches to enhancing an organization’s defenses, honeypots and honeynets enable security experts to gather the information needed to operate solutions like IDSs.

Best Practices for Deploying Honeypots and Honeynets

Honeypots and honeynets can be deployed effectively with the following steps:

Define Goals

Establish business and technical objectives to align security controls with organizational goals. This guides the design, deployment, data collection and storage approach. Consider cost-effectiveness and legal implications in the deployment strategy.

Deployment and Monitoring

Once goals are set, honeypots and honeynets can be configured accordingly. Continuous monitoring is crucial to gather valuable insights on threat actors, assist with defense strategies, identify suspicious behaviors, troubleshoot issues, and thwart cyberattacks.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Analyze collected data to identify abnormal activity or malicious patterns. Verifying the effectiveness of existing security measures and improving lingering security gaps is critical to enhancing overall protection.
See how your organization would stand up through an emulated attack using the same adversarial TTPs criminals employ. Attackers look for weaknesses in process, technology, and people. We identify weaknesses and test preventative measures.