Android Device Management from BlackBerry

Enhance Security and Control for Android Devices and Apps

Get Work Done with Android

BlackBerry® offers software that securely enables and extends Android™ Enterprise, helping organizations realize the full potential of Android for improved business collaboration and productivity.  IT gets the advanced device, app, and data security controls, while users get a familiar experience and personal privacy.

Comprehensive Management for Android Enterprise

BlackBerry® UEM offers enhanced Android device management, including rich device and app controls and end-to-end secure connectivity.

  • Efficiently deploy fully managed company owned devices, employee-owned devices with work profile, and dedicated single use devices
  • Simplify device enrollment without the need for a managed Google Play™ Account
  • Set an enterprise password for the Android work profile independent of the personal side of the device
  • Use a rich set of policy options to enforce compliance with enterprise standards
  • Extend seamless, secure behind-the-firewall enterprise connectivity for Android
Learn about BlackBerry UEM

Enhanced Android Security for the Enterprise

Android Enterprise, managed by BlackBerry UEM, offers enterprise customers a number of ways to manage sensitive data, protected device-wide by Android platform security and encryption. BlackBerry UEM management and advanced policy controls for Android help IT to meet enterprise security needs without compromising the rich Android user experience. 

  • Gain full visibility and control over enterprise information and assets on Android devices
  • Prevent data leakage that could result from accidentally copying work data into personal apps
  • Implement granular policies based on device ownership or usage model, taking advantage of Android work profile and fully managed device modes
  • Secure data in transit and eliminate the need for a separate VPN with BlackBerry Connectivity
  • Leverage features of Samsung Knox Platform for Enterprise in conjunction with Android Enterprise to extend policy options on Samsung devices.
  • Use SMS/MMS call logging for Android devices to enable key corporate-liable use cases
Download the BlackBerry UEM + Android Data Sheet

Build a Bridge between BlackBerry Work and Microsoft Office

BlackBerry® Enterprise BRIDGE provides a highly secure option for seamlessly using native Microsoft® mobile apps on iOS and Android™ from BlackBerry® Dynamics™ apps.

  • Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Word and Excel® files display correctly on all devices
  • Data is securely containerized
  • The same files can be worked on across Windows® 10, macOS, iOS and Android
Learn more about BlackBerry Enterprise BRIDGE

A Powerful End User Experience

Android Enterprise on BlackBerry UEM provides IT with full control of work-related policies, profiles, and data while providing Android users with a consistent experience and access to the rich, built-in Google™ services they already use.

  • Enable a rich and familiar mobile user experience for Android device users
  • Deploy approved business apps via a managed Google Play store for a seamless user experience
  • Provide Android users with best-in-class BlackBerry business apps, such as BlackBerry Work
  • Deploy secure third-party and custom apps built on BlackBerry Dynamics for Android users
  • Provide a consistent user experience on iOS and Android devices in User Privacy mode
  • Enable large-scale Android Enterprise deployments without having to set up each device manually
Download the BlackBerry UEM + Android Data Sheet

Success Stories

We don’t know what regulation will follow the GDPR, but we’re confident in our position. BlackBerry, Appurity, and Android Enterprise helped us a great deal with GDPR compliance, so issues with any upcoming regulatory frameworks are highly unlikely.

Laurence Arterton

Head of Client Support and ICT Services, UNISON

If you are involved in technology and security, it’s really a comfort factor knowing that the BlackBerry platform is tried and tested. BlackBerry’s approach to Android is the most secure on the market.

Damien Behan

IT Director, Brodies LLP

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