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Secure and Manage Your Digital Workplace

Get Zero Trust at the Front Line of Cyber-defense

A unified endpoint management (UEM) solution monitors, manages and secures all of your organization’s end-user devices from one centralized console. Learn how BlackBerry UEM can effectively empower your hybrid workforce. 

Why Unified Endpoint Management?

Your employees thrive on being flexible — they want to be able to work from anywhere, from any device. But in today's threat landscape, BYOD and hybrid work arrangements expose organizations to sophisticated cyberattacks, potential data theft, and intensifying regulatory scrutiny.

Increasing Risk Increasing Risk Increasing Risk

Increasing Risk

As your mobile and hybrid workforce grows, so, too, does your organization's cyberattack surface. Use of personal devices, unmanaged file sharing and social media apps puts business data at risk.
Decreasing Productivity Decreasing Productivity Decreasing Productivity

Decreasing Productivity

Employees need BYOD solutions that balance security with usability. Poor endpoint management frustrates users and disrupts workflows, while overly restrictive policies drive them to seek workarounds.
Data Leakage Data Leakage Data Leakage

Data Leakage

When personal devices are used for work, the use of social media apps like WhatsApp in the workplace can lead to data leakage and even fines from regulators like the SEC.
Lack of Data Privacy Lack of Data Privacy Lack of Data Privacy

Lack of Data Privacy

With the rise of social media app usage, separation of user/work data has never been more critical. Regulators will take action against organizations that fail to safeguard privacy.

Empower Your Workforce without Sacrificing Security

BlackBerry© UEM is a suite of solutions to secure your digital workplace. It keeps employees productive on any device, anywhere, while allowing your security team to manage diverse devices. Explore our solution brief to see how these benefits can transform your enterprise mobility.

Intuitive User Experience

An effective UEM solution balances security and productivity without complicating life for your users. Keep your workforce happy by providing the choice of using their personal devices and the apps they need to get the job done.

Ensure Data Security

Secure your data, whether it’s at-rest or in transit. Keep your organization’s data cryptographically isolated from the user's personal space.

Secure File Sharing for Anywhere Access

Effective UEM secures file sharing and provides options for secure work at the airport, coffee shop, home office or anywhere. It will also come with a wide choice of secure, enterprise-grade productivity, including secured instant messaging.

When Certifications Mean the Difference Between Risk and Compliance

In highly regulated industries, security certifications aren't just badges — they're business requirements.

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