BlackBerry Enterprise Software Lifecycle Terminology

General Availability

General Availability date is the date on which a product or service is released and becomes available to the general public as a fully supported product or service.

Impact on Customer:
On or after this date, the product or service is available for customers to download.

End of Sale

End of Sales Date refers to the date as of which specific product or service SKUs are no longer available for sale from BlackBerry®.

Impact on Customer:
On the specified end-of-sale date, customers will no longer be able to purchase specified product or service SKUs.

End of Support or End of Engineering Support (“EOS”) 

End of Support Date or End of Engineering Support Date is the date as of which BlackBerry will no longer provide fixes, updates, or security patches for the specified version of the product or service.

Impact on Customer:
BlackBerry will no longer provide updates for this particular version of the product or service. Any Blackberry Technical Services customer with an active maintenance or subscription agreement that has a term beyond the End of Support date will continue to receive Technical Support until such term expires on supported versions of the product or service. For the twelve (12) months following End of Support Date for the specified version, BlackBerry Technical Support will engage in commercially reasonable efforts to provide a resolution or a workaround, but whether such resolution or workaround will be successful cannot be guaranteed. At this time, customers should ensure that they have downloaded the latest available supported version or purchased an upgrade.  If the issue reported has already been resolved in a newer version, customers will be instructed to update to the new release. After such twelve (12) month period from the End of Support Date, BlackBerry Technical Support will no longer accept or troubleshoot issues related to the specified version of the product or service.  To receive Technical Support, customers must upgrade to a supported version of the product or service.

End of Technical Support (“EOTS”)

The End of Technical Support date is the date after which BlackBerry will no longer provide technical support or workarounds to resolve any product or service issues related to the specified version of the product or service.

Impact on Customer:
End of Technical Support Date refers to the date as of which all support for a discontinued release of the product or service shall end.  BlackBerry Technical Support will no longer engage in commercially reasonable efforts to provide a resolution or a workaround. BlackBerry Technical Support will no longer accept or troubleshoot issues related to the specified version of software or the service.  Any BlackBerry Technical Services customer with an active maintenance or subscription agreement that has a term beyond the End of Technical Support date will not receive Technical Support until Customer updates and/or upgrades to a supported version of software. BlackBerry Technical Support will no longer provide a resolution or a workaround for product versions that has reached the End of Technical Support. If the issue reported has already been resolved in a newer version, Customer will be instructed to update and/or upgrade to a supported version. BlackBerry Technical Support will no longer accept or troubleshoot issues related to the specified version of product or service.

End of Life (“EOL”)

The End of Life date is the date after which BlackBerry will no longer provide fixes, updates, or security patches or workarounds for any version of the software to resolve any product or service issues. The product will no longer be supported by BlackBerry and there will be no new versions of software.

Impact on Customer:
Customer may no longer purchase a maintenance or subscription to the product or service. BlackBerry Technical Support will no longer accept or troubleshoot issues related to the specified version of product or service.

BlackBerry Technical Support Services

Software life cycle policies are defined within the program description.

View the BlackBerry Technical Support Program Description

Learn More

Software Lifecycle

Read about End-of-life status of different BlackBerry software.


Read about End-of-life notifications for BlackBerry software.